Archive for the ‘Press’ Category


Interview with Vital Juice, NYC!

August 19, 2010

Hi Guys!

I hope you’re week is going well! Mine has just flown by! What a whirlwind- I can’t believe it is Thursday already (it is right??I don’t really keep track of days right now 🙂 ). I’ve been cranking it up with my people out here, and last night I gave a 3-hour nutrition lecture in a private theater.

I made a bunch of different raw food for people to sample, including cacao mousse, fresh hazelnut milk, raw beet raviolis, raw buckwheat granola, raw pancakes (a huge hit!) and different dips, etc.

I did an interview for Vital Juice a few days ago, which got cut down a lot as all interviews do…but I thought you guys would enjoy it!

Click on the link here: VITAL JUICE INTERVIEW

I’ll report back soon!

Lots of love,


I'm starting to feel my way and adjust to my new life here in LA for the next few months...

And I'm really excited and happy!!


Life & Style Organic Feature

April 18, 2010


Hi Guys!

I hope you had a lovely weekend. I had a lot of fun- going hiking, playing tennis and being outside a lot. I hope you really enjoy my feature here in this week’s LIfe & Style, in their eco-friendly section since this week is Earth Day!

I even tried something new today for the FIRST time- paint ball! I don’t think I would ever play again, but it was an interesting experience, to say the least. I got dragged in by friends that wanted to play, and who have been playing weekends during the filming of the movie, but I don’t think I would ever go on my own! You know the saying, “Do something at least once a day that scares you.” Well this experience certainly took me out of my, um, element.

The balls go around 200 miles and an hour before exploding into a shot of neon colored paint. Admittedly, I sort of hung at the back of the pack and tried to shoot from afar- but really my main goal was  to keep myself from getting hammered down by one of the 50 crazies on the other team that had semi-automatic paint ball guns! I am a vegan for gosh sake, and shooting at other human beings is not something, even in a game setting, is bewildering to me. Like a live video game – except it can actually really hurt when you get hit!

But I welcome all new experiences as a way to grown and learn and see others’ perspectives- in this case a glimpse of a soldier’s perspective! At least I was on the same team as my friends, so I didn’t have to shoot at anyone I knew.

Afterwards, I fed everyone a nice big raw vegan dinner, which is far more up my alley! My motto is “Make raw food, not war.”

Well, I can never complain about my life being predictable! 🙂

Have a wonderful start to your week! Om Shanti, Kimberly

Fear not! No that is NOT a terrorist!!!! It's....

me! Underneath all that craziness. The face mask keeps you from getting pounded in the face by a paint ball coming at you at 200 miles per hour. You always have to try new things, even if you only try them once. 🙂 I was as much a fish out of water playing paint ball today as I've felt in a long, long time!


Full Page Feature in Lucky!!

April 8, 2010

Hey Guys! I just saw this yesterday! I am totally thrilled to be in such a great magazine as Lucky– and get a full page feature with my beauty picks!!

Check it out on stands now. 🙂

I’ll write more soon! Adjusting back to life in the big city. Hope you are having a great week!

All my love, Kimberly


E! Countdown to the Oscars Clip

March 10, 2010

Here I am with Holly Madison before the Oscars. It was a really exciting atmosphere with a ton of people in the studio and all around. All in all, fun stuff!

Enjoy some skincare tips! Kimberly


2-Page Life & Style Diet Feature!!!

March 3, 2010

Hey Guys!! I was going to post last night, but I had a wonderful yet exhausting shoot that was from 6:45 am to 11:00 at night. But I woke up to find THIS! Which just hit stands today. Yay!! It features 3 of my recipes if you can read it,  or see a copy.

E! also asked me to tape the countdown to the Oscars which airs right before the Oscars on Sunday, where I’ll be giving detox and diet tips to look great!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned and I will write more soon.

Lots of love, Kimberly


Good Day LA Stylefile Video Segment: The Skin-Plumping Smoothie

February 23, 2010

Hey Guys! Here is the quick clip that I shot 2 weeks ago in LA. When we shot it I included a lot more info on the ingredients, but they had cut it down to make it really move and fit into the show. I hope you try it out!

Love, Kimberly


Press Release: Kimberly Snyder Leaves Envision Beauty :)

February 4, 2010

This is how I feel right about now! 🙂

Hey Guys! Just wanted to share some very exciting news with you. 🙂  Please take a moment and read the press release below. Some of you might not even know I was once involved with the company- but either way it doesn’t matter any more! Also, going forward please always contact me at as I no longer have access to my prior email account.

Stay tuned for news about some really exciting projects I am working on!

Lots of love,


NBC Conn. Morning Show: Raw Pecan Pie and Party/Holiday Eating Tips

January 8, 2010

Hi Guys!

I know you think I’m being lazy by just posting videos and not writing..and maybe that is just a teeny bit true. It’s Friday! 🙂 But I’ll write more very soon!

I wanted to post this since it was from right around Christmas, and for some reason I forgot to.

NOTE TO SELF: Do not make Raw Pecan Pies on air anymore!! If anyone saw my Good Day LA segment, where I also made this same Raw Pecan Pie, you’ll see what I did was pre-blended the filler, since the blender is so loud, and pressed the pie  crust in while talking on air. Both hosts helped me, but in a short segment there wasn’t enough time to press the crust in totally evenly, so it looked “lumpy” when I poured the mixture in.

In this segment, I reversed it. I had the crust mixture already pressed in, and made the filling on air. WELL the blender was so loud (and it was really just to demo), so I turned it off after a few seconds.  It certainly did NOT mix everything through very well… It was lumpy so I stopped pouring it into the pie. (That was the right thing to do right? I mean what else could I do??). I can’t believe the camera man sat on that terrible shot of the mixture for like 30 seconds!! What I really wanted him to do was sit on the shot of the finished pie pieces and what they are SUPPOSED to look like. Actually, I think the whole thing is kind of hilarious!! 🙂  And what a different kind of host he was compared to the some other shows’ hosts… such as eh hem, the Fox Philly hosts. At least he didn’t ask me any personal questions!

Btw the cameramen come late into the kitchen demo area, and I was miked up 30 seconds before going on air. Very stressful, and not my favorite!!!!!!!

Enjoy the segment, and have a great weekend. See you back here soon.

Love, Kimberly


MY (Fun?!) FOX Morning Show Philadelphia: 6 Easy Detoxing and Healthy Foods for 2010

January 6, 2010

Hi Guys,

I had a wonderful day in Philadelphia today! I did this morning segment, and the Fox Studio happened to be in the Historic District of Philly- where I have never been before! Isn’t that crazy, since I live in NY? Then I parked at a coffee shop and met with some bloggers and the health reporters for some Philly newspapers. It was like my little office for the day. 🙂

PLUS I got to see the Liberty Bell for the first time, in its new glass building home, and Independence Hall. Ah, history! I feel like I don’t really do enough of that stuff unless I’m traveling in another country. I mean, Philly is only down the way from NY (but that way does includes the rather horrific, very traffic-filled New Jersey Turnpike, which is a bit of a deterrent 🙂 ).

Anyways, I did a post on these 6 foods recently, and I hope you enjoy also hearing me talk about them in the segment! I always enjoy meeting the different hosts for these TV shows when I go on. Some are more serious and some are more relaxed and like to joke around… like Mike and Chanel from this segment!

Love & Light,



Good Day LA: Holiday Eating and Raw Pecan Love Pie

December 19, 2009

Hey Guys! This past Wednesday, the 16th, I was live on Good Day LA. Here is a little clip of me getting my table ready…

And here is the clip! If you want to make the pie for Christmas or around this holiday season, check out the Recipe Here.

See you soon!

Love, Kimberly